Race Entry


Application Guidelines 

Maximum number of runners: 30,000

* registrations will close during the appilcation period if the maximum number is reached.

Participation in the event

  1. A marathon is a grueling sport. Runners may have unexpected accidents due to the lack of physical fitness. Do not participate if you are experiencing health problems. If you feel ill during the race, retire from the race immediately.
  2. The organizer will implement first aid if there is an accident during the competition, but will bear no other responsibility except in cases arising due to gross negligence on the part of the organizer. (The organizer will take out insurance, but the insurance will not cover hospitalization, etc., due to medical diseases, etc. Please note that for accidents during the competition, the scope will be only the scope of that insurance.)
  3. If you receive medical services in japan, if you have a Japanese health insurance certificate, your charges will be calculated in accordance with the health insurance system. If you do not have a health insurance certificate, you are responsible for all of your medical expenses, payment is quite expensive. I would like you to join the insurance that covers your overseas tournament participation individually.

Date & Time

Date December 1, 2024 (Sun)
November 30, 2024 (Sat)
10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Prefectural Budokan
Cource Peace Memorial Park Course(full 42.195km long)
Start 9:00(Rain or Shine)
Meijibashi the street at the crossing on route 58
Goal 15:15 Ohnoyama Stadium
Time Limit 6 hours 15 minutes
Maximum Number
of Runners
Awards 1st ~ 5th (Male/Femele)
All finishers:Certificate & Medal of Commemoration

Rules & Regulations

The Rules & Regulations of this Marathon accord with FY2024 covenants between the Japan Track & Field Association and the Naha Marathon Association.

  1. When the referees / doctors make a judgement [diagnosis] that the runner is unable to continue the race, they have a right to order him / her to halt the race.
  2. The referees have a right to order runners, who failure to follow the race policy, ignore the stern warnings, and interfere remarkably with the race operation, to halt the race. (ex. refusals to go to assigned starting position, improper entry onto course, etc.)
  3. When the referees make a judgment that the runners are unable to meet the deadline, they may order runners to discontinue the race even before the time-limit.
  4. An ambulance will be available for the sole purpose of providing aid to those with emergency needs. The ambulance is not available to pick up retired runners.
  5. In the case of an emergency, the ambulance has priority and has the right of way. Runners should be careful not to block the path of the ambulance

Time check point

Time checkpoints will be set throughout the marathon, based on transport safety, security, and our operations and logistics requirements. Entrants who arrive at the checkpoint well after the designated closing time will be asked to withdraw from the marathon.

Checkpoint Location Distance(km) Closing Time
Checkpoint 1 Peace Memorial Park 21.3 12:15
Checkpoint 2 Naha nursing school 34.3 14:10
FINISH Ohnoyama Stadium 42.195 15:15

The recommended times for runners to drop out the race

Nakaima intersection(7.4km) ...................................10:30
Kochinda junior high school(13.5km) ........................11:35
Gushikami junction(17.3km) ....................................12:00
In front of the former site of Nanbu Hospital(28.3km) ...13:30
Akamine intersection(39.3km) ..................................15:00

*Traffic restriction is released at the times above.
*Traffic control will b lifted after the last directing car passes, so please move to side walk.

Entry Requirements

  1. Open to all healthy entrants who are 16 years old (on the day of the competition) or older, regardless of nationality. (Entrants 18 years old and younger require their legal guardian's permission.)
  2. Open to entrants who have properly registered and been recognized for this amateur tournament. (Entry cannot be given to a third party. No substitute runners allowed.)
    *This rule applies even if the entrant is unable to run on the day of the tournament.

Registration Fee

  • Adult / 9,800(JPY)
  • Over 65 years of age / 7,800(JPY)
  • Under 18 years of age / 7,800(JPY)

(Fee includes processing, runner number, commemorative T-shirt, Insurance, Safety measures)
*Absolutely NO refunds after acceptance of application.
*This is calculated based on the age on the day of the event.
*Cancellation of event due to inclement weather, accident or other incident shall not be cause for refund of Registration Fee.

Regarding lining up at the start

  1. In order to ensure that the start is safe and smooth, the waiting block for the start will be set based on the estimated time given at the time of application. If the estimated time is not entered, then the start will be from the last block.
  2. If the estimated time is less than three hours, be sure to enter the best time in a full marathon within the past three years. If the best time field is not entered or the record is not accurate, then the start point will be a rear block.
    *Please report your record accurately. The secretariat may make inquiries about this.

T-shirt size

body length626568717477
body width444750535660
shoulder width424446485053
*If the T-shirt size is not specified at the time of application, it will be an L size for both men and women.

T-shirt size cannot be changed after entry or on the day of the tournament.

Regarding costumes

We do not allow costumes that are inappropriate for a sporting event, including those that may make other runners or supporters feel uncomfortable or put them in danger. Running whilst pushing a stroller and running with a pet are not allowed. Please note that the organizer may prohibit participation in the race on the day of the event.

Accidents During the Race

  1. A marathon is a grueling sport. Runners may have unexpected accidents due to the lack of physical fitness. Do not participate if you are experiencing health problems. If you feel ill during the race, retire from the race immediately.
  2. First aid will be provided for any accidents or injuries that occur during the race; however, the Association will not be held responsible thereafter. Runners are responsible for their own health condition during the race.

onduct of runners

We receive many comments that, There are runners who push in when we are lining up at the start line. They have bad manners. In order to prevent accidents at the start and to make it possible for all the runners to enjoy the run, please obey the instructions of the race staff when lining up before the start and line up in the order of the number cards.

  1. We are able to restrict the traffic for a long period of time on the day of the marathon due to the cooperation of the residents along the length of the course and a great number of other people. When it is time for these restrictions to be lifted, the contestants should remove their number card and follow the instructions of the staff to quickly free up the course, such as by boarding the bus for retired runners.
  2. Runners must run in the specified lane (course). Under no circumstances should you stray onto a sidewalk or another lane.
    *If the course is one side of a road, then the lane for the opposite direction will have cars travelling on it and is therefore very dangerous.
  3. Runners may each run at their own pace, but if they choose a slow pace, they should run towards the sidewalk side of the course. Runners running as a group should get as close to the sidewalk side of the course as possible and not take up much width. (Do not obstruct the path of runners coming from behind.)
  4. Runners should throw cups and sponges to the left side of the road for the safety of runners coming behind. Please do not throw them into the fields and the residences.
  5. The Marathon would be impossible without our sponsors. Please do not cover or obscure the sponsor identification on your race number.

Handling of Personal Information

The organizers are aware of the importance of personal information, and will handle all personal information based on policies on protecting personal information drawn up by the organizers in adherence to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws.
Personal information is used for the purpose of improving services for marathon entrants, such as the provision of race guides, notifications of records, notification of related information, provision of services from marathon sponsors, supporters and related organizations, cooperation with first aid and medical institutions, the publication of records. (rankings etc.)
*In some cases, the organizers will contact applicants to confirm their application details.

Please Cooprate

Parking on date of event is very limited. All participants are asked to use public trans-portation. Family members, friends and spectators are asked to avoid use of private vehicles. Traffic jams accompanying the Marathon are serious inconveniences to local residents and to Marathon operations. Please especially avoid parking anywhere between mid-point of course and finish line.

Please Note the Following

[articipation in the event]
  1. Wearing or displaying any designs or brand names representing commercial names or trade names, etc. used for advertising purposes within the event site (including the race course) is prohibited. We do not admit the act of asking for donations, signatures, etc.
  2. The organizer will implement first aid if there is an accident during the competition, but will bear no other responsibility except in cases arising due to gross negligence on the part of the organizer. (The organizer will take out insurance, but the insurance will not cover hospitalization, etc., due to medical diseases, etc. Please note that for accidents during the competition, the scope will be only the scope of that insurance.)
  3. A visually impaired person must be accompanied by an accompanying runner and the two must remain together when participating in the competition, including if one party retires.
  4. The participants should be responsible for valuables and baggage. The organizer has no obligation related to the losses caused by the theft or other accidents.
  5. The organizer prepares the Number Card and you will be handed it at the reception on the race day with the participation gift. After your application, the organizer sends participation approval [Number Card Notification] around in late-November. Please make sure to bring and put in it at the reception.
  6. The passage of traffic may be prioritized at intersections where traffic jams are expected.
  7. In the case of an emergency, the ambulance has priority and has the right of way. Runners should be careful not to block the path of the ambulance.
  8. Entrants are expected to train sufficiently, undergo a medical checkup, and otherwise be fully prepared for the event. It is your responsibility to check your health condition before participation.
  9. The event organizer will not be responsible for delayed arrival of entrants on the race day due to public transportation and road conditions.
[Regarding application]
  1. Multiple entries by the same individual will result in all entries from that individual being disqualified. No refunds will be given.
  2. Participants are not allowed to provide incorrect gender, age, or other information. No substitute runners are allowed. Any violation of this rule will result in a permanent ban from the current and all future tournaments.
  3. No entries or changes to existing entries can be accepted after the entry period. Participants may be contacted or e-mailed in cases where a problem with the entry has been identified.
  4. Substitute runners (including giving an entry to a third party) are not allowed. If discovered, substitute runners will be immediately disqualified. Regardless of reason, no compensation or refunds will be given.
  5. Tournament organizers are not responsible for applications late due to difficulties connecting to the internet or delays caused by the postal system.
  6. Please note that not all devices/browsers may be compatible with the online application page.
  7. Register the address correctly, including down to the name of the building, the room number and any other information necessary. The organizer will not be responsible for any delayed arrival or non-arrival of mail that occurs because insufficient details are written.
  8. We ask that minors participate with the consent of their guardians.

Written Pledge

  1. Apart from providing first-aid, the organizers bear no responsibility for sickness or injuries.
  2. The organizers bear no responsibility for theft/loss of property, delays to public transportation or road congestion.
  3. All participants must follow all instructions given by race organizers, traffic management personnel, and the police. They must further display good manners and follow the rules of the race.
  4. Entry to the tournament signifies acceptance of all tournament rules and the contents of this pledge. Furthermore, participants 18 and younger (high-school students) may only participants with the permission of their legal guardian (name required).
  5. After payment, no refunds or cancellations can be made.
  6. Participants are not allowed to provide incorrect gender, age, or other information. No substitute runners are allowed. Incorrect information/substitute runners will result in immediate disqualification and loss of insurance coverage.
  7. No refunds will be given for 4,5,6 listed above, in the case of overpayment, double payment, nor for cancellations due to accidents or natural calamities (including flooding, earthquakes, inclement weather, and fire.).
  8. Participants agree that their name, age, address (country, prefecture and/or municipality) as well as recordings (video and still) and other race records (etc.) may be used online, in printed materials including newspapers, and on television (etc.). Participants grant the event organizers the right to use their information and their portrait rights. They agree to commercial use of this information, such as in photographs, printed materials, DVDs, and use in the media.
  9. Regarding Personal Information The event organizers recognize the importance or personal information and strictly follow all rules and regulations regarding the handling and storing of such. The organizers will handle all such information in accordance with the policy on the handling and protection of personal information.
*Decision to cancel the event

The following are possible cases in which the competition may be cancelled when it is judged that the event cannot be operated safely due to the occurrence of a phenomenon written in item 7 of the event pledges.

  1. In the case of a typhoon, heavy rain, flood, storm, etc.
    In the event that the Implementation Headquarters decides that the implementation of the competition is not possible based on weather predictions related to the construction of temporary facilities before the event day or the weather on the day of the event
  2. In the case of an earthquake disaster, large-scale accident (fire on the course, etc.), terrorist threat, etc.
    In the event that the Implementation Headquarters decides that it is not possible to sufficiently secure the safety of the participants such as the runners and volunteers, or of the competition officers and mobilized staff, etc., due to the occurrence of a natural disaster or other incident in Okinawa Prefecture or the southern district up to the day of the event.
  3. In the case of high temperature and humidity
    In the event that the Implementation Headquarters decides that the implementation of the competition would be dangerous due to an increase in the temperature and humidity, etc.
Agree to Application Guidelines
(Entry page)